naked woman block ambulance

Driver naked blocking ambulance after crashing into four-year-old and motherher

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At 10:30 am on June 17, last Sunday, a woman surnamed Wang went out on her electric bike with her four-year-old daughter sitting on the back and her son riding a separate bike. They were heading east when, out of nowhere, a rapidly approaching car hit them head-on. By all accounts it was a horrific accident. The video picks up from here.

The driver is apparently a university teacher, Zhang Yan, who works at the College of Shandong Provincial Medical College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Her students say she teaches human anatomy, psychology and psychiatry, which is all very normal. What she did after she hit the mother and child, however, was anything but.

First, Zhang is hysterical as a bloodied child is pulled from underneath a vehicle. Then, one hears someone from behind the camera say, -She’s taken off all her clothes.- The scene cuts, and then it gets really bizarre. We see someone – Zhang, it turns out – laying in front of an ambulance, blocking its advance. After the camera pans a couple of times, we see Zhang fling the clothes off her body (she has, indeed, already taken them off at least once). When a 60-year-old neighbor approaches her, according to Yimeng Evening News, she shouts, -I will kill you!-

After the four-year-old girl is loaded into the ambulance, Zhang appears to get up and reach into the ambulance to pull her out. Why she does this is no longer the right question. She flings herself on the ground again, sans clothes.

I can’t speculate on the trauma a person’s psyche suffers after witnessing a crowd pull a young girl, bloody and unconscious, from underneath a car. But it does seem reasonable to say, in this case, that that trauma caused Zhang to lose her mind, at least temporarily.

The most recent update, yesterday from Qilu (Shandong) Online, is that Zhang remains detained under criminal charges while an investigation is pending. Updates will follow, Qilu tells us.

The four-year-old died at the hospital. Her mother remains in critical condition.

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